A package can be put together to meet the needs of the child you are concerned about and your hopes for the outcome of the intervention.


Assessment and Recommendations

This package offers a comprehensive assessment comprised of:

  • Meeting with parents and completion of questionnaires
  • Meeting with staff and completion of questionnaires
  • Observations of the young person
  • Assessment of the young person using standardized measures, where appropriate.
  • Production of report with recommendations

This package starts from £


Assessment and Implementation of Recommendations

  • Meeting with parents and completion of questionnaires
  • Meeting with staff and completion of questionnaires
  • Observations of the young person
  • Assessment of the young person using standardized measures, where appropriate.
  • Production of report with recommendations
  • Delivery of recommendations as outlined in the report

This full packages costs from £

Is it also possible to purchase the supply of recommendations at a later date following the outcome of the initial assessment.


School Training

Avon Psychology Service is able to deliver training to schools on a variety of topics pertinent to education and the needs of students. These can be tailored around the needs of a specific child i.e. a child sustains a traumatic brain injury and supporting the return to school or more general themes around behavior management or the use of reward systems.

Staff teams also often benefit from work around understanding team goals and values and how team members are organized around these guiding principals. Such workshops involve teams thinking about the relationships between team members, the dynamics within the team, and how to support members to move towards the same aims.

An area of interest for Dr Twynholm is mindfulness which she has found to be of benefit for children and professionals alike. Dr Twynholm is currently developing a mindfulness programme for Primary schools called Mindsmatter. Please contact her to discuss the implementation of this programme.

Dr Twynholm can deliver staff training on mindfulness along with session ideas to implement with children of different ages and abilities. Mindfulness has a growing evidence. We know that attention and concentration are key skills in helping children achieve academically. There is also lots of research to show that children’s psychological, emotional, and social wellbeing are central to their functioning as adults, with the ability to manage feelings strongly associated with learning and resilience. Mindfulness is evidenced to work on these areas and school provides a social and fun setting to learn these skills and show that they are as important as other more academic skills.